National Honor Society| UC Irvine
The Social Sciences Academic Resource Center (SSARC) is Transfer Vision's home, along with many other academically driven organizations and valuable resources. Established over a decade ago, SSARC seeks to assist students in the School of Social Sciences. They help students thrive as working professionals by providing resources and services grounded in professional development, graduate and professional school guidance, and internship placement.
Career Center
The Career Center is one of the top rated centers at UCI providing access to opportunities, career counseling, and professional education to UCI students and alumni. They serve a bridge between the academic and professional world, connecting students to employers, graduate schools, and professional schools.
The learning and Academic Resource Center is an academic support unit within the Division of Undergraduate Education. LARC provides assistance to UCI students in tutoring, writing and oral communication workshops, individual conferences in writing and study skills, and one-on-one assistance in several subject areas. LARC strives to help students with the necessary strategies to become successful independent learners.
Office of Campus Organization
The Office of Campus Organizations enriches student involvement through outreach, education, and support. Campus Organizations provides students with the necessary information and resources to pursue their organizational goals. They aim to support the Student Affairs mission and enhance the quality of student life and leadership at UC Irvine.
Scholarship and Resource Center
The Scholarships Resource Center is a campus resource established to assist undergraduate students with application and access to scholarship opportunities. The Scholarships Resource Center is located in the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, 102 Aldrich Hall.
Website: www.ofas.uci.edu/content/scholarshipsresourcecenter.aspx
Financial Aid Website: www.ofas.uci.edu/content
Transfer Student Center is devoted to assisting admitted transfer students with their transition into UC Irvine. Full-time counselors and transfer peer mentors are available to assist with questions and make comfortable each students' transition into a four-year university. The newly renovated center offers a lounge and study area, computer lab, a communal refrigerator, microwave, and free coffee and tea!
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) is a department that encourages and facilitates research and creative activities by undergraduates from all schools and academic disciplines at UCI. UROP offers assistance to students and faculty through all phases of the research process, whether it is with proposal writing, developing research plans through project management skills, awarding grants to fund research projects, scholarly journal writing through The UCI Undergraduate Research Journal, or presenting results of the research or creative project through the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium.
The following describes how to do an Advanced Search within the Job search engine, filtering through nearly 2,000 job and internship opportunities.
Go to www.career.uci.edu
Click on the big blue box labeled "Students"
Login: UCI Email Address, (ex. peteranteater@uci.edu)
Password: Student ID Number
Along the top Tabs, Mouse-Over JOBS
Select ZotLink Jobs/Internships
Click On Advanced Search, located along the tabs under: job postings
Enter a keyword and search (ex. "Law" or "Psychology")
Study Spaces
UCI Library: www.lib.uci.edu/study-space-locator
Gateway Study Center: www.lib.uci.edu/gateway-study-center
UCI Student Center: www.studentcenter.uci.edu
Study Spaces: www.studentcenter.uci.edu/study-spaces